Shipping cost calculator

Package detail

Select target country

Our shipping rates
EMS Hong Kong
EMS (Speedpost Standard)
No: Stand-alone battery, Built-in battery | Yes: Liquid
2 - 5 Days
51.98 USD
405.60 HK Dollar

HK Post Surface
Registered surface mail
No: Stand-alone battery, Built-in battery | Yes: Liquid
20 - 60 Days
10.73 USD
83.73 HK Dollar

Sounds good? Let's get shipping!

Get your own virtual addresses in China, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, Germany and the UK and enjoy discounted shipping costs

    How does it work?
  1. 1. Open a free account to get your very own local address
  2. 2. Ask your supplier to send a package to your new address
  3. 3. We'll then ship you the package as soon as we get it. Done! Our service fee is only $5 per shipped package

Tracking numbers are available for all shipments • Save even more with our consolidation service • No hidden fees • We ship everywhere • No set-up fee

What our customers think

It's a great way to get products from China (in my case) and not have to pay the sometimes crazy shipping fees for very little things from some companies.

Alexandra Mancino

Very responsive and easy to get up and running

Alex Rogers

Love it, so reliable!

Uwe Kastner